Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not Big on Changes

Anyone who really knows me KNOWS that I get really attached to things and am constantly keeping change at arms length. When I get attached I really struggle with goodbyes!! I am that person that believes that everything has feelings...right down to the ketchup bottle. If you have ever been shopping, of ANY kind with me, you know~DON'T pick something up if you aren't going to buy and NEVER pick one up and put it back to get one "further back" that no one has touched yet. This sadly DOES apply to the ketchup bottle. What I am getting at here is some major changes in my world lately that have been particularly difficult for me.

FIRST: My Highschool Car, the cookie monster blue Rav-4

When I graduated from nursing school in May 'o8, we were wanting to start a family, and my beloved car was not well suited. My poor nephew's car seats had been crammed in there enough to know, we wouldn't do that to OUR children!! HeeHee! This was awful...I begged my wonderful husband to let me keep it as a pet, but he was not quite as attached. I know there are several of you out there who remember this car well (poor thing has secrets it will never tell!) and just know it went to a wonderful home (the Riggs Family) and they are nice enough to drive it by now and again for a visit!!

SECOND: My Chair, My personal throne

I bought a couch and chair when I got my first real job (@Colonial Funeral Home) and first self-paid apartment. Independence FINALLY! (right mom and dad?!) I fell in love with this chair and have dearly loved it for 7 years! Its huge, its fluffy and I bought it!! Today, actually, I parted with this dear chair and I can't hardly stand it!! We sold our furniture and got wonderful replacements, but this chair was really my first thing I ever bought that I loved, and Chula loved it too!! She's been on this chair just as long as I have!! Good news is, it went to a wonderful lady who loves doggies, so it will feel right at home. Ughhh...tears!

Those two changes have really been hard~I am very sentimental!! Few changes I love lately:

June is my new biggest admirer. This dog knows there's a baby in my belly and is so sweet to me, almost to the point of annoyance. It's so sweet though! She's giving the baby and hug!

My growing belly! I never thought I would like a growning belly, but I love it!! Here I am at 18 weeks! (No make-up on means no smiling face~sorry!!) Everything is going wonderful and I am feeling great. We Find out the sex in 6 days!! Stay tuned for that!!

1 comment:

  1. I know about your crazy "once you touch, it's yours" idea! That is how I got Mr. Frog in my flower garden!!! I have to say that though you do not like change your changes have all been good! Ohhhhhh. I can't wait to hear what the bay will be! Little bit and I think a girl, but K-man and Trey say a boy!!! We shall see!
    love, Big Sister!
