I was so excited to be off for Lilah's big 3 month b-day! I couldn't wait to show her the ropes on what us women love to do on special days such as this!!
1. We slept in!!! Girls need their beauty rest!
Momma was dragging her out to do!
2. Starbucks! I think this was more for me, of course, but still, all part of a complete girl's day.
3. We hit the Mall. We may not have the best mall, but it's a mall none the less. We found some great sales and found Lilah's first MUST HAVE ONESIES.
My favorite part of the day was just having fun with my sweet Lilah Bean. We hopped in the photo booth and snapped some fun pics together. I thought it was a fun way to remember the girlie day we spent together for her 3 month day.