Cuero, Texas!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Get Me Outta Here!
Have you ever been 8 months pregnant (or married to someone 8 mos. pregnant), in July, unable to go anywhere and getting more and more anxious and stir crazy every moment? This is exactly where I found myself. Summer plans have consisted soley around getting ready for Lilah and getting her here! Corey and I found that we were watching everyone around us go and plan and run and were getting increasingly ready for a vacation. Well, very limited on how far away we could go we ended up going to a new local favorite way to spend a stir crazy Saturday. We drove ourselves down to the big city of.................

I know, I know, big deal, right? To a couple who has spent their entire summer slaving away at preparation and carrying a baby, this may have well been a trip to New York City. We had a wonderful time. We went to all the shops and just spent time together sipping lemonade and complaining about the heat.
When it comes to places like this, I have a very patient husband. He lets me look and OOoooOOoOO and awe and does a very nice job of acting interested. (Sometimes I think he might actually *gasp* enjoy himself!)
We had lunch at the little Main Street Kaffe Hause and Deli amongst all the shops and enjoyed different salads and cold iced plum teas. We even picked up some house srawberry tea to brew and home! We did have some nice finds for Lilah; we bought her some very precious white ruffled bloomers with her name embroidered in pink and a super cute sippy cup specially made for our little lady. Cuero was a wonderful, very enjoyable visit. If you ever find yourself 8 months pregnant in July and needing to get out, I highly recommend a Saturday in Cuero!!!
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