Sooooo, Corey was hooking up the internet in the attic. We were all finished and this was the last and final step in our house being completely put back together. We were so excited about regaining some normalcy. We were planning to relax and watch some TV and get to sleep early. I was putting dinner on the plates and Corey was coming in from the attic. We were just minutes away........then there was an awful noise and I ran to the living room looked up to find........

Yup. A big hole in the ceiling!! Poor Corey was walking to the attic exit and missed a piece of plywood by a few inches....some pretty major inches. Our new ceiling fan suffered as well as our brand new couch that we just got in the house the DAY BEFORE!!

I failed to mention that all the insulation litered my newly folded laundry on the floor.
We were just too close...the laundry was going to be caught up for crying out loud!!

Nobody actually cried, but I still don't know why!! Corey just came in, stared in disbelief, got his keys and headed for Lowes, and I scooped up the laundry, started the wash and started on the clean up. When Corey got home we ate dinner and still just couldn't believe our luck!

Corey did a little patchwork and we're on schedule to be repaired tomorrow. We aren't holding our breath that we are actually finished this time. I think at this point, after all the work that we have put in, all the projects and hang ups and set backs~we are ready for anything!! (I am actually knocking on wood as I type **wink,wink**) I'm scared that having a baby may actually be a break!! KNOCK ON WOOD!! (I know, all mothers reading this are snickering and rolling their eyes!)
I am sooooo sorry about the minor set back!!! HOWEVER Lilah's room looks adorable...even better in person! Hang in there Momma!