My big sister, Lacie and her family were finally able to visit from Brock and come meet our sweet Lilah. Lacie has an awesome camera and I told her the one thing that I really wanted her to do while she was down was help me take some pictures of Lilah for her birth announcements. Lilah was really good and 200+ pictures and a naptime break later, we had some really adorable pictures. I was so excitied! Lacie did a really beautiful job and now I know exactly what I want Santa to bring me this year! Lacie's camera!!

Just look at that face!

We bought these little bloomers at an embroidery shop in Cuero.
They are still way too big, but they made for a very sweet picture!

This is one of my favorites! This is the Lilah we always tell people about, but no one ever sees. She definately knows how to turn it on and off, but Corey and I know the truth.
Even so, isn't it the cutes little tantrum face you have ever seen?

And another favorite.
Something so precious about a momma and her daughter.
I'll have to look back on this picture when she's 16 and making me crazy and remember that there is my sweet baby in there somewhere!!
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