At 4 whole big weeks, we took Lilah on her first road trip. Corey is going to be in a wedding in October and we had to get him fitted for a tux. We woke up early (well, semi-early) and hit the road to Sugarland. It's impossible to take two gals to Sugarland and JUST get fitted for a tux, shopping must be involved!!
Now, there is one thing about Lilah, she poops like a crazy baby anytime we are in public! I always have to have extra clothes, LOTS of diapers and wipees!
First stop: Tuxedo place. Lilah was needing to eat and their bathrooms were tiny and filthy. Typical of a place men shop. There was an employee who was gracious enough to let me use their large handicap dressing room. It was nice, but a little weird nursing with men in dressing rooms all around you with a smacking baby. Lilah is also NOT a lady when it comes to her baby crazy pooping. She was ripping them so loud and I was so embarrassed. She blew out 2, YES 2 diapers in 10 minutes. It was loud and smelly and I was so glad to get out of there!!!
Here we are again in the dressing room with yet ANOTHER major blow out! I mean what is this child eating? This one required a wardrobe change. I know I am mentioning poop a lot, but that was pretty much all she did the whole trip!
Little fun with Dad while Momma shopped.
Mohawks are in for all the truely hip baby girls this year.

Momma is pretty ready to head home after a quick stop at Buckee's for some late night snacks. Lilah also made her first road trip friend, Buckee himself in the flesh...or.....fur!
She was quite the trooper. Poor baby was worn out and exausted! She was good though, so I know the Winters' girls shopping gene is pumping through those little veins. Yay!! I did learn that nursing anywhere sounds easy enough but is actually super tricky, babies really can sleep through anything AND i don't want to do that again anytime soon.....
or until it's time to pick up the tux.
Hee Hee! Love the pictures in the dressing rooms! You go Momma!