Cuero, Texas!!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Get Me Outta Here!
Have you ever been 8 months pregnant (or married to someone 8 mos. pregnant), in July, unable to go anywhere and getting more and more anxious and stir crazy every moment? This is exactly where I found myself. Summer plans have consisted soley around getting ready for Lilah and getting her here! Corey and I found that we were watching everyone around us go and plan and run and were getting increasingly ready for a vacation. Well, very limited on how far away we could go we ended up going to a new local favorite way to spend a stir crazy Saturday. We drove ourselves down to the big city of.................

I know, I know, big deal, right? To a couple who has spent their entire summer slaving away at preparation and carrying a baby, this may have well been a trip to New York City. We had a wonderful time. We went to all the shops and just spent time together sipping lemonade and complaining about the heat.
When it comes to places like this, I have a very patient husband. He lets me look and OOoooOOoOO and awe and does a very nice job of acting interested. (Sometimes I think he might actually *gasp* enjoy himself!)
We had lunch at the little Main Street Kaffe Hause and Deli amongst all the shops and enjoyed different salads and cold iced plum teas. We even picked up some house srawberry tea to brew and home! We did have some nice finds for Lilah; we bought her some very precious white ruffled bloomers with her name embroidered in pink and a super cute sippy cup specially made for our little lady. Cuero was a wonderful, very enjoyable visit. If you ever find yourself 8 months pregnant in July and needing to get out, I highly recommend a Saturday in Cuero!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Major Oopsy!!
Sooooo, Corey was hooking up the internet in the attic. We were all finished and this was the last and final step in our house being completely put back together. We were so excited about regaining some normalcy. We were planning to relax and watch some TV and get to sleep early. I was putting dinner on the plates and Corey was coming in from the attic. We were just minutes away........then there was an awful noise and I ran to the living room looked up to find........
Yup. A big hole in the ceiling!! Poor Corey was walking to the attic exit and missed a piece of plywood by a few inches....some pretty major inches. Our new ceiling fan suffered as well as our brand new couch that we just got in the house the DAY BEFORE!!
We were just too close...the laundry was going to be caught up for crying out loud!!
Last Room Down
We had one last room to finish before Lilah arrives and we are DONE! We have been living in a completely chaotic mess for weeks now and it feel so good to finish. Again, we have had this finished for a while, but haven't had the internet, sooooo I'm playing blog catch up. The last room that we had to do was converting our guest room into our office. Seems easy enough, but it was like MOVING!! There was stuff everywhere. Again, we like projects, so we got it done, but this one was wearing on us!

These pictures are actually pretty mild, it got a lot uglier before it got better. There were days we almost couldn't walk through the living room!

Corey was lucky enough to have some professional help. Our 6 yr old nephew Layne came over while the ladies were at a shower and helped his uncle Corey slap on a coat of paint. That lasted about 30 minutes and then cartoons and cotton candy took over!! Then somehow that turned into a trip to Putt-Putt and a movie later that night. Corey needed a break, so I think it worked out for the best anyway.
The good news is that we finished!
Lilah's Nursery
We have had the nursery finished for awhile, but the entire house has been in chaos, so pictures and computer access and time just hasn't been possible, but YAY, it is finally time! Putting the nursery together was a lot of had work, very time consuming and really fun all at the same time. Corey and I actually work well together and have some of the most fun when we work together!We got to spend a lot of late hours laughing, planning, shopping and yes, some bickering, but
I have to say, I think that we really had a great time together planning a perfect room for our first little one.
We have gotten a bunch of funny faces when we announce the colors that we chose for a baby girl, but I just have this feeling that it's going to fit our Lilah Claire perfectly! It's fun,bright, cheerful and just precious!
There are, of course, so many things that we did that there are not pictures of: Corey did a beautiful job on his first attempt at crown molding, put in a new ceiling fan and his personal favorite, the nightlight light switch!!
We also were pretty excited to discover that we both had our handprints from when we were little. We were REALLY excited to see that they included the SAME EXACT POEM!! Corey's prints are in black and he was old enough to write his name. Mine is in green and I was 11 months old. We bought a matching frame so the we could have Lilah's done also.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Building Fun
One of our biggest projects this summer has been putting a building in our back yard. Corey took on the part of laying the concrete, which turned out to be a VERY big, complicated project. With a little help, the concrete was laid and the building was finished and we love it!! I am including only a few pictures, but this was extended over weeks, maybe months of really hard work. Between the heat, learning as he went, and a full time job, Corey really did stretch himself very thin to accomplish this major project!
June wanted to be in the picture...she's proud of all the napping she did during the construction.
and he's making it look was really hot and really hard!
frame out the slab. It was so hot on this particular Sunday, I think they went through
3-4 pitchers of tea! (That was my job) Notice June napping in the background, such a big helper!
The building is very nice and we are really enjoying having it. The patio is really awesome, and we have plans to really do some fun stuff with it. we have goals of electricity and a sink and much more, but for now, we are going to focus on Lilah's nursery before she gets here; I'm not sure how CPS would feel about us keeping her in a shop!!
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